Wednesday, October 29, 2008

awww, my sweet bridgitte lost another front tooth, she was soo brave

Monday, October 27, 2008

about the waymire's

divine chaos.................

Just thought i would share a little bit of whats going on at the Waymire house.

Brian is working at Aera which is a oil company here in Bakersfield. He has been there for 2 years now, and is very happy with were he is at. I am so thankful that he comes home every night. He is coaching our middle daughter Bridgittes soccer team and is having a really good time with that. He also just started a bible study with a group of some wicked awesome men of God. Our oldest daughter Carlee is in the third grade and is doing exceptionally well. She is looking forward to girl scouts (which starts this Thursday) and the new softball season. Our Bridgitte is in the 1st grade. They put her in a 1st/2nd grade combo class and she is doing amazing. she loves soccer and she loves to read. she is also looking forward to girl scouts. Our son Tyler is getting sooo big. He is in pre-school this year and is loving it. He is learning so much and having lots of fun. Mommy, (that's me) is staying pretty busy to. On Wednesday morning i go to a awesome bible study on the attributes of God, then on Wednesday night Brian and i go to our couple study, we are reading the beautiful fight by Gary Thompson. its a great book if you ever get a chance to read it. Starting this Thursday i will be co -leading with my niece and nephews mom. we will be meeting at our church every other week. ( prayers are welcome, because i have NO idea what iam doing :) ) during the night Brian and i enjoy going to the gym. during the weekday i get the pleasure to babysit the sweetest (sometimes) little guy ever. then on Sundays i teach Sunday school for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders at our church. Some of my goals for right now are

* getting healthy

* getting more organized

* having more hang out time with friends

* reading the bible more with my hubby

* having a more consistent bible study with the kids

* being more hospitable


so today was a pretty emotional day at the Waymire house. the day started off pretty good and then by noon it got pretty sad. one of my best girl friends is going through a lot right now and it grieves me to see her so lost. then i got some interesting news regarding one of my children and another child at her school. apparently my precious daughter said some really mean things to another girl at school. when i found out, it broke my heart. to think that one of my babies would hurt another human really tore me up. but then, as God does, he brought some sunshine into my day. my bridgitte was reading the bible out loud and came across psalm 27:4 which reads

The one thing I ask of the Lord—
the thing I seek most—
is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.

right after she said that, with out missing a beat, she shouted AMEN!!!!

that is right, AMEN!!!