Monday, January 18, 2010

A few updates from the last few months

I can’t believe that January is almost gone, where the heck does time go. I wanted to post some Christmas pictures and some other fun things that we have been doing the last few months, so here we go...

Disneyland at Christmas time is my favorite, its decorated to the T

My Aunt Kelly was able to come out from Charleston earlier in December, it was great seeing her and iam glad the kids got to meet her (again). My other auntie has a tradition of having an "open house" several days before Christmas. It’s a great way to see friends and family during the craziest month of the year

After we the kids and I got home from our Aunties, my Brother stayed the night with us since Brian was out of town. The boys had a great time eating pizza and staying up watching movies and playing Wii

Brian came home from Hume Lake with a bag full of snow... perfect for a snowball fight


Our friends from Arizona came to town so the Butts were kind enough to open there house for a get together... I looove these people.......

Donna and I did tons of baking this year, and we had lots of help too

Tj's kindergarten class got to do a Christmas performance in front of the whole school. They sang " I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" and they did a great job. Thank you to the Kindergarten team for putting on a great show

We had a great Christmas this year. The kids got tons of things, but I think the best part was those little moments when we got to sit back and realize how blessed we are with great family and friends. A few of those moments include showing up to Christmas Eve service and finding a envelope that was addressed to the " Waymire kids". Inside were 3 certificates that said that they ( my kids) were caught being good and what a blessing they were to the church family. As if that wasn’t a blessing in its self, there were also 3 gift cards in there for them. Another moment I won’t forget was when my little brother came over on Christmas day. Not only did he spoil the heck out of my kids, he gave Brian and Xbox 360 and then took me aside, gave me a VERY generous gift and then told me " That I was mommy of the year" and for me to go do something nice for myself. Thanks Bo.


Tj got got his first shaving kit and daddy showed him how big boys shave

For New Years Eve we had a game night over at Eric's and Holly's

After a fun filled night of bringing in the New Year, we were off to the Desert for the weekend

Daddy and Tj time