Saturday, July 3, 2010

july 3

It’s amazing how going from one room to another can clear your head a bit. All of team waymire is asleep this night before 4th of July so I headed out side to my nice and clean backyard. So this is what has been happening at our house.
• Brian and I got to go on a date last night. We went to the orchird and it was yummy. It was great being able to talk to him without one of our little blessings running in saying that they need something. With that being said, I really need to find a way where we can have one-on-one time on a daily basis. With my mind jammed packed with homeschooling stuff, I don’t wont him to feel neglected.
• Our church has VBS this coming week and I am super excited.
• I have not been doing so well with my daily reading.. enough said
• My mom will be home for a visit at the end of the month
• I am truly grateful for my healthy loved ones.
• I need to finish the final draft of our trip to Yellowstone blog.
• I am truly grateful for my friends. Tonight my Kier called me from “Spirt West Coast” and she put her cell phone up to the speakers so I could hear “Amazing Love” by mercy me live. The song gives my goose bumps.
• The kids are going great, they are really wanting another baby in the house but until we get going with homeschooling¸we are putting that on hold ( I am not super mum for crying out load ).
• Iam trying really hard to get a system going for our days. Last week went pretty good. I had all the laundry done on Monday, dusted on Tuesday, and the rest of the week is kind of a blur ; ).
Other than the busyness of life, life is good, God is great

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